As a fully qualified Clinical Dental Technician with over 35 years of experience in denture design, André Edmundson provides a combination of clinical ability, technical expertise and craftsmanship, and has the skills to create beautifully fitting, comfortable dentures.
The British Bite Mark was launched on March 23rd 2012 and was designed to represent the dental laboratory industry in Great Britain. Wherever you see the British Bite Mark logo, you can be confident that custom made dental appliances have been manufactured on site in a British dental laboratory to your specific dental requirements. The British Bite Mark also provides patients with confidence that their dentists are using dental laboratories that have registered with all the appropriate regulators and have confirmed that they manufacture your custom made dental appliance in accordance with all legislative requirements.
If you see the British Bite Mark in the dental practice or on literature included with your custom made dental appliance, you can be confident of the following:
• Your custom made dental appliance is manufactured in accordance with the Medical Devices Directive, this means it is made with ‘CE’ marked materials by a qualified dental technician and that the manufacturing dental laboratory is available for an ‘on-the-spot’ inspections from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency.
• Your custom made dental appliance has been signed as ‘fit for purpose’ by a General Dental Council registered dental technician. In Great Britain you are unable to call yourself a dental technician unless you hold a recognised qualification in dental technology and have registered with the General Dental Council.